Wealth Management Process


A Process To Guide Your Path

The services offered by Gray Equity Management, LLC are designed to assist you in preserving, protecting and building wealth. In today’s complex financial world, it is essential to have a coordinated plan based on solid information and realistic expectations. Our services are organized to deliver just such a plan. A well-organized financial plan is a road map for your future. Like any map, it requires reconnaissance, insight and careful structure. Gray Equity Management will not only help you develop a personalized “financial map,” we also serve as guides along the road.

An important first step is an honest analysis of your personal goals. How do you envision your future? How will you finance the education of your children or grandchildren? When would you like to retire? What kind of lifestyle would you like to be leading right now? In ten years? In thirty years? What will be your legacy to your family or your community?

All of these very personal and private issues must be addressed and considered in order to develop a financial plan that will deliver the security necessary to attain your goals.

Next we determine the amount of discretionary funds that you have available to direct toward achieving your financial goals and objectives. We will begin by helping you prepare a statement of net worth that reflects not only the classification of your assets (liquid, investment, personal) but also their ownership (husband, wife, joint, trust, etc.). Seeing how your assets are titled helps identify estate planning opportunities.

Your debt structure is analyzed, including your mortgages, loans and credit card balances. Next, a  cash flow projection is prepared that reflects the sources and uses of your financial resources into the foreseeable future. All of these elements are then combined into a written financial plan that will serve to guide your monetary and investment decisions. It is likely to include investment strategies, insurance plans, expense management, an estate plan and built-in reporting functions to track progress.

This plan becomes a “touchstone” by which such decisions are judged. At the same time, we make sure your financial plan retains enough flexibility to take advantage of opportunities that arise.

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